Monday, August 25, 2014

Rusty's Road

Rusty Reeves
Traveling with Rusty has been a trip all on it's own, seeing the world through his eyes.  Back in Taos, he would spend hours staring down and often chasing the P-dogs (prairie dogs) and occasionally catching one (hash mark on his hunting plaque).  But his new obsession has turned to other furry critters out here on the road, like the squirrel...what the heck is it?  It sorta looks like a P-dog, but it climbs trees and bounces along wires.  We didn't have but an occasional road-flat squirrel back in Taos.  And then there's the rabbits...those wascally wabbits, that defy him to chase and catch.  That usually stops at the end of the long leash....."eh, what's up doc?" vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits

Wusty Weeves
Rusty is quite happy in a car/van.  It usually means a snoot full of fresh air and an adventure of some sort.  It also means a safe place to hide when the thunder storms come crashing in...wait, where's our fearless hunter now?

Grand Canyon

Crested Butte, CO

Aspen Gondola
Campground heaven

Two things that have been a drastic change for Rusty (and us) has been 
1) the leash---a free range dog all his life--he's now 10 years old
2) lil blue poop bags....geez, no privacy anymore
But it's all ok for both of us---the trade off for the freedom road is worth it.  One thing we love about Rusty is his adaptability....his go with the flow (except during thunderstorms) attitude is a grand lesson for us with life on the road.....ease and flow.


And now, another big change for all of us....Malia came back from her summer in Alaska and will continue Rusty's adventure in the Rockies as his best friend----the best friend thing is a 2 way road, ya know. We will begin our trek across the great hot plains towards the east coast without our four legged....bittersweet.

But Toto has nothing over Rusty :)


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