As a young girl growing up in flat Roswell, NM, I used to sit in the backyard and stare west to the far off outline of the Lincoln National Forest near Ruidoso, NM....wishing to be there instead of the dusty cotton fields around our house. In my high school & college years in Texas, I couldn't see those mountains on the horizon, but I had John Denver playing on the turntable instead....he was a formidable impression in those deeply philosophical teen years in the 70's.
I am so grateful for his shared expressions..... I'm also grateful to the community of Aspen, CO for creating a deeply moving & stunning memorial garden park on the creek in his name. Once again John Denver brings me home to that warm creative space inside us all.
"You fill up my senses, like a night in the forest...." and though he's gone from this physical reality, his spirit continues to reach and teach us all.....I am grateful and happy.
Tim and Leslie ... I have been reading your entries ever since the first day and finally got the new computer geek kid down the hall to show me how to actually post a comment! He looked at me like the dinosaur that I am! I have been enchanted with every post and have been to many of the places you are visiting - many with my Mom, who Tim always remembers fondly! Cripple Creek and the mountain passes, Vail and Aspen. I was so moved by seeing the pictures of Jenny that I was sitting here during the long hours of Training Camp, tears splashing off my keyboard. Hey, there's no crying in football!! But I think of you and all the joyous adventures you are having and it brings me such happiness. I know you have given tremendous happiness to so many others, it is a journey of reconnecting and sharing that love across the country. And if you should find your way to St. Louis, I would be overjoyed to buy you dinner and share a few bottles of wine ... and I will break out all my old John Denver cassettes for ambience. Love and safe travels to both of you... Donna