After 2 evenings of soaking in the oversized hot mineral pool of Glenwood Springs, Co, we left our little-home-on-wheels in a parking lot and took off in a rented Prius to visit far off relatives in northern Idaho....over 1000 miles away or 18 hours by speedy little car getting 50mpg (our van gets 15mpg, which is not bad for a 9000 lb camper-van).
No Tim, we're taking a Prius |
We found Bev and Norb, Tim's sister & hubbie, high up on hillside overlooking the incredibly large and beautiful Coeur de Alene lake, living a peaceful and happy life....a dream come true for them.
Norb is a volunteer fire dept boat guru....and Bev wields her confidence and passion defending the lakes beauty against greedy environmental idiots....both heroes in this lake community. (thanks for the huckleberry pie---yum!)
And then it was onward southeast for 9 hours to another sister & husband, Jenny and Sid, on a spectacular pristine ranch in Wyoming off the northeast corner of Yellowstone Park....

....but not before we made peace with the Great Yellowstone Buffalos.
Two cozy nights in an old log cabin below the graces of the jagged prominent Pilots Peak...
a reminder how small but lucky we are.
Thank you Reeves sisters & hubbies for your gracious hospitality and laughs....we love ya. A quick stop in Lander, Wy to hug our cute lil' niece Jessi and her 5, yes 5! super weenie dogs. One of them is training for search and rescue...I kid you not, Huckleberry out performs much larger dogs on cadaver search!
a reminder how small but lucky we are.

Then before our day ended, we shared a beer and taco with Malia's wild friend, Sara oil field engineer in the rough-neck wilds of Rock Springs, WY.....she can hold her own, needless to say.
Our 2230 round trip ended back in Aspen with some dear Taos friends Yale & Barbara Jones....the highlight was meeting their kids and granddaughter.'s next?'s next?
Heya-you need to tell us some more about that Wyoming place-it looks outrageous! Scott