Fiesta is now officially christened and registered in Neptune's deep sea ledgers----blessings for fair winds shall ensue!
Our good friend and favorite mentor/advisor/broker/orchid-loving-guru and salty sailor Mike Fauser joined us on this landmark day!
Thanks to Rob Wolff in Virginia Beach, VA for the dedicated (and excellent by the way) bottle of Kampfschwimmer (German version of military Special Ops) branded champagne!
And to further celebrate....we can happily announce that we are not "dinghy-less" any more! We are the proud owners of a new 9ft Caribe with a 6HP Tohatsu motor! Yamaha outboards proved to be illusive to attain for we continue to follow a motto of "the path of least resistance" (and least cash). We also chose a 6HP for it's smaller size and's 57 lbs versus a 9.9HP at 81 lbs.
Our dinghy has been dubbed "Speedy" after the crazy lil Looney Tunes mouse
Speedy Gonzales---
although, at 6HP it's more like Speedy's cousin, Slow Poke Rodriguez....
"slow in the feet, but not in la cabeza". That's ok....we're not in a hurry.
There's been so much that has been achieved in the last 3 months, that can now be seen on Tim's latest video "Sailboat Search"
Today is Valentines. And guess what we gave each other?
A brand new 44# Rocna Anchor
High-strength alloy steel with hot-dipped galvanize....
Narrow shank profile for deep penetration, wide fluke and chisel tip for high holding power
ooooh, baby......Happy Valentines Day**wink
It's not red, but it looks like a heart.
Poco a poco we are pulling the remaining pieces together to our close approaching
take-off date around the first of March....thanks for dropping in!